Thursday, February 13, 2025

Marvel Reread Club Episode 113: July, 1967, Part 1, with Dan McCoy!

MRC welcomes super-special guest Dan McCoy, Emmy-winning writer and co-host of The Flophouse! We discuss four books from July 1967: Amazing Spider-Man 50, Strange Tales 158 with SHIELD and Dr Strange, Tales to Astonish 93 with Namor and Hulk, and X-Men 34! Spidey No More! Monocle upon eye patch upon monocle! An actual Pink Floyd Album cover! Shameless swipes! Check it out!

Marvel Reread Club Episode 112: June, 1967, Part 2

MRC finishes up June of 1967 with Fantastic Four #63, Strange Tales #157 with SHIELD and Dr. Strange, Tales of Suspense #90 with Iron Man and Captain America, and Avengers #41! The NYPD’s Cement-Bazooka Squad! Hallucination Cubes! Neckless! 24-Hour Treason! Heckless! Check it out!

Marvel Reread Club Episode 111: June, 1967, Part 1

MRC unmasks June 1967, with Amazing Spider-Man 49, Daredevil #29, Thor 141, Tales to Astonish 92 with Namor and the Hulk, and X-Men 33. Bamboo TV! Dissociative identity disorder! Rasslin’! It! Wile E. Coyote Holes! Cyttorak Lollipops! Check it out!

Marvel Reread Club Episode 110: May, 1967, Part 2

MRC finishes up May of 1967 with Fantastic Four #62, Strange Tales #156 featuring SHIELD and Dr. Strange, Tales of Suspense #89 featuring Iron Man and Captain America, and Avengers #40! Blastaar! Zip-a-Tone-Man! Zom! Bachelor Life! The Amalga-Beast! Check it out!

Marvel Reread Club Episode 109: May, 1967, Part 1

MRC steals the gimmick of May 1967, starting with Amazing Spider-Man #48, Daredevil #28, Thor #140, Tales to Astonish #91 with Namor and Hulk, and X-Men #32! Cruci-fiction! Blind/Freeze-Rays! Stimuloids! Democracy sucks! Infinite Weapons! Satan’s Saints! Check it out!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Marvel Reread Club Episode 108: The Rest of April, 1967

MRC returns from hiatus to finish April 1967, going all out of order with Daredevil #27, Fantastic Four #61, Avengers #39, Tales of Suspense #88 with Captain America and Iron Man, and Thor #139! Rocking chair helicopters! Latverian headshop blacklight posters! Thunderboot! Pepper hooves! Kane tech! Colletta really messing this one up! Check it out!
And bonus: I found the original art from page 2 where someone (is the note signed by Sol Brodsky?) complained about Colletta in the margins! They actually said “V.C. ruined this inking,” which seems harsh. Vince has ruined a lot of Thor panels over the years, but this one seems well inked to me:

Marvel Reread Club Episode 107: April, 1967, Part 1, with Heidi MacDonald!

To discuss the first half of April 1967, MRC welcomes legendary comics journalist Heidi MacDonald (who actually knew Marie Severin and tells us about her!) She chose her favorites, so we’re out of order, doing X-Men 31, Amazing Spider-Man 47, Tales to Astonish 90 featuring Namor and Hulk, and Strange Tales 155 featuring SHIELD and Dr Strange! Check it out!

Marvel Reread Club Episode 113: July, 1967, Part 1, with Dan McCoy!

Steve and Matt Bird · 113 Marvel Reread Club July 1967 (part 1) with Dan McCoy MRC welcomes super-special guest Dan McCoy, Emmy-winning wr...