Monday, November 20, 2023

Marvel Reread Club Episode 78: February, 1966, Part 2

MRC finishes up February 1966 with Fantastic Four #47, Strange Tales #141 with SHIELD and Dr. Strange, Tales of Suspense #74 with Iron Man and Captain America and Avengers #25. Atmo-guns! Bazooka drills! The Enervator! Soupy Sales! The Plasti-Dome! Check it out!
Also, check out these groovy covers from when Marvel reprinted the Dormammu saga in the 80s, featuring gorgeous front-and-back covers by John Byrne inked by Al Milgrom!

Monday, November 13, 2023

Marvel Reread Club Episode 77: February, 1966, Part 1

MRC struggles under the weight of February 1966 with Amazing Spider-Man #33, Daredevil #13, Journey Into Mystery #125 with Thor, Tales to Astonish #76 with Namor and the Hulk and X-Men #17! More poor photojournalism ethics! Vibrating shorts! Exploso-rays! High intensity paralyzer howitzers! Check it out!

Marvel Reread Club Episode 76: January, 1966, Part 2

MRC finishes up January 1966 with Fantastic Four #46, Strange Tales #140 with SHIELD and Dr. Strange, Tales of Suspense #73 with Namor and the Hulk, and Avengers #24. Universal Control Rods! Blisteringly accurate barking burp guns! Pincers of Power! Post-Heck Iron Man! Gas guns that look suspiciously like real guns! Protecto-Shields! Check it out!

Marvel Reread Club Episode 75: January, 1966, Part 1

MRC launches into January 1966 with Amazing Spider-Man #32, Daredevil #12, Journey Into Mystery with Thor #124, Tales to Astonish #75 with Hulk and Namor, and X-Men #16. A clean break! Cruise ships with planks! Hercules teasing! Revitalizer Rays! Perilously low ceilings! Check it out!

Marvel Reread Club Episode 74: December, 1965, Part 2

MRC finishes up December 1965 with a whopping five books: Fantastic Four #45, Strange Tales #139 with SHIELD and Dr. Strange, Tales of Suspense #72 with Captain America and Iron Man, X-Men #15 and Avengers #23! Iconometric Framistat! Electrified thought-waves! The concealed Spectro-Wave! Check it out!

Marvel Reread Club Episode 73: December, 1965, Part 1

MRC expands into December 1965 with Amazing Spider-Man #31, Daredevil #11, Journey Into Mystery with Thor #123 and Tales to Astonish #74 with the Sub-Mariner and Hulk. Gwen! Little frauds! Sheath confusion! Armored Mobile Defenso-Walls! Check it out!

Marvel Reread Club Episode 72: November, 1965, Part 2

MRC finishes up November 1965 with Tales of Suspense #71 with Iron Man and Captain America, Tales to Astonish #73 with Namor and the Hulk, X-Men #14 and Avengers #22. More Sinnott! Titanium burping! Revolting peasants! Watcher cocktails! Terrifying ice slides! Masks on masks!

Marvel Reread Club Episode 105: March, 1967, Part 1, with Special Guest Bill Cairns!

Steve and Matt Bird · 105 Marvel Reread Club March 1967 with Bill Cairns (part 1) MRC launches into March of 1967 with special guest Bill C...